Monday, February 27, 2012

My Favorite Etsy Shops

I recently was laid off from the office job I loved very much. It's been tough, trying to find a job that I don't think I would hate, pays well enough to survive off of and preferably is tolerant of my pink hair. I just was hired for a new position at a dessert shop that is opening up near me [hooray!] but during my time off I spent a lot of time... and I don't exaggerate when I say a lot thinking about what I could do that would hopefully fulfill the previously mentioned requirements; I know that there are numerous successful Etsy vendors that can survive off selling their crafts, but I'm not a crafty person.

So I suppose when I say thinking a lot about what I could do to pay the bills, I mean thinking about what I'd want to sell on Etsy. But as I said, I'm not artistic so what I really meant was I spent a lot of time wanting to spend all my money on Etsy.

It's true. There's too much cute stuff available! So here are a few of my favorite shops...

Jihye Lee Art
This girl's nail art is fantastic. Just admire this set of Nightmare Before Christmas nails! She generally has a lot of geek themed nails -- I found her while searching for Tepig related nail art. Video games, Harry Potter and other nerd references make my heart swoon.

When I'm in a better financial situation, I'm totally gonna have to rock a set of these babies! Until that point, you should purchase a set in my stead.

One of my favorites in the oh-so-popular perler bead category is Yume's -- I like it best because she's got a ton of cute video game related stuff [of course] as well as some anime characters [sweet] but she's also got Winnie the Pooh and Ariel -- I'm a sucker for Disney things so needless to say, Little Mermaid = win. Rather than just offering the stand alone perler beaded pixel-spritey things, she offers a variety of picture frames.

As a warning to any of my friends who may want to get pregnant; be aware I will probably be buying you this picture frame. I can't resist.

Bunny Cartoon Creations
Last but certainly far from least is Bunny Cartoon Creations -- run by Glitter Parfait's very own Usamimi <3 Just take a look at one of her past embroideries, this super adorable Pinkie Pie! One day I'll be rich and be able to commission her to do embroideries of my favorite Pokémon so I can have an ultra nerdy house. 'Til then, I'll just have to admire her work from afar, le sigh...


  1. Oh, man, that nail art is totally impressive! :O

    Heehee, awww, thanks for pimpin' my Etsy shop, too! XD I still need to update it...I keep getting side-tracked by all my projects, lol.

    1. Yeah, you need to update it! Just don't do anything Tepig themed, because I don't have the money to buy it ;) lol
